Family Funformation Quiz

Family Funformation Quiz This ‘PEEC at Home’ activity is designed for students in Phases 2-7. The activity encourages students to connect with their families and, in turn, encourages family members to connect with each other. PHASES 2-7: FAMILY FUNFORMATION QUIZ Download
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Mindful Walk Sound Map

Mindful Walk Sound Map This mindfulness-based activity asks students to draw a map of an area where they are going to engage in a mindful walk, and then to walk mindfully through this space, noting any sounds they hear. To prepare your students for this activity, discuss the importance of moving quietly and working individually. […]
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Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating Encourage your students to engage the five senses as they take part in this guided mindful eating exercise. ‘You must be completely awake in the present to enjoy the tea.’Thích Nhất Hạnh MINDFUL EATING Download
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Introductory Letter to Parents and Carers

Introductory Letter to Parents and Carers This letter has been crafted so that you can provide your school community with information regarding your school’s implementation of Positive Education – specifically, PEEC. It is designed to be printed on your school letterhead, or printed as is, signed by your principal and sent to the parents and […]
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Zoom Brain Breaks

Zoom Brain Breaks This resource contains activities for generating positive emotions and enhancing Positive Relationships through online interactions.  Inside the digital download pdf, you will find online versions of a number of our tried-and-tested brain breaks, as well as some brand new additions.  ZOOM BRAIN BREAKS Download
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A Peek at My Day

A Peek at My Day

We hope this resource helps facilitate dialogue and reflection, to aid and support the wellbeing of your students. Parents and teachers alike might also find this to be a helpful conversation starter with their young ones. Please see below for more details.

This resource could be utilised at the end of a school day to help students:

  • reflect on their day,
  • note areas where they would like support,
  • identify things to look forward to, and
  • develop a sense of autonomy regarding their wellbeing.

For additional materials designed to support the wellbeing of the children in your care, please peruse the rest of our PEEC website to view free samples of our lessons and resources. If you would like a free printable PEEC sample, please contact us at: To find out more about PEEC, please read out ‘About‘ page, or contact our team.

World Mental Health Day Lessons

World Mental Health Day Lessons These lessons are designed to be taught on ‘World Mental Health Day’, held on October 10 of each year. Below is an overview of the lessons, for planning purposes, as well as the lesson plans and associated worksheets. A special thank you to Kirsty Whitwood from Kellett School for collaborating […]
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Positive Education Terms and Definitions

Positive Education Terms and Definitons We’ve made a compilation of key terms you might need to know in order to teach PEEC. This page offers very brief definitions designed to be of assistance if you are beginning your Positive Education journey or needing to refresh your memory before beginning to teach a new Enrichment Module. […]
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Positive Education Posters

Positive Education Posters These printable posters are designed for display in your classroom, office areas or school hallways. Featuring famous quotes from literature and from a variety of well-known people, they are designed to act as a prompt for further thought and an inspiration for all who read them. PRIMARY POSTERS Download SECONDARY POSTERS Download
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